11. Om te maken ander jeleye
To make another jelly

[23] Om te maken ander ieleye Neempt vysschen ende [24] snijtse in stucken na datmense cleyn oft groot hebben [25] wilt. maer hi moet seer schoon ghewasschen sijn dan [26] moet hi wel ghedroocht sijn vanden watere Neempt [27] dan dye tweedeel wijn ende dat derdendeel edick ofte [28] azijn. Hyer inne suldi den voerseyden vysch syeden [29] wel moruwe. ende siet dat ghien wel schuymet of dat [30] ghijen wel broemet reyne Soe dat ghy alle dat witte [31] afdoet datter gheen witte op en bliue ende latent sye[*A4r]den tot dat hi ghenoech is. so doeten wten water ende [2] laetten wel versipen in een verceerbecken ofte op een [3] houten matte daer hi wel versipen mach Dan neemt [4] cruit al dat sterck si Dats veel galigaens somighe en [5] doendere gheenen galygaen toe. maer andere cruyt [6] veel sofferaens/ noten ghimber/ greine/ folie/ ende dat [7] stootmen ontwee in eenen mortier elck besondere oft [8] altegader wel cleyne ghepoedert ende doet dat duere [9] eenen stramijn metten sope daer den visch in ghesoden [10] was Die oock wilt die neemt die schellen oft die huyt [11] vanden vissche een deel ende stootse al ontwee ende doen [12] die daer toe totten sope ende dat salmen laten sieden by[13]na op dat derdendeel ofte luttel min Ende alst [14] ghesoden es so legghet den visch in schotelen alsoe hy [15] schuldich es te ligghen. Dats metten schellen op den [16] bodem ende metten binnensten wtwaert Dan neemt [17] alsoe veelschotelen als ghi maecken wylt ende vultse [18] met vissche Dan suldi die sause so daer op ghyeten ende [19] latense cuelen ende so suldyse setten daerse coelstaen [20] moghen.

[23] To make another ieleye. Take fish and [24] cut them in pieces according to whether you want them small or large, [25] but it must be washed very clean, then it [26] must be dried very well from the water. Then [27] take the half [i.e. half that quantity in] wine and the third [i.e. a third of that quantity in] [28] vinegar. You will boil the aforesaid fish well in this, [29] and see that you skim it clean, and [30] remove all the scum so that you take off all the white and [31] there is none left, and let it boil [*A4r] until it is enough. So take it out of the water and [2] let it drain well in a colander or on a [3] wooden mat where it may drain well. Then take [4] spices that are strong. That is, lots of galingale - some [5] do not put galingale in, but other spices [6] - much saffron, nutmegs, ginger, grains of paradise, mace and [7] grind it up small in a mortar, each by itself or [8] all together, to a powder, and put it through [9] a strainer with the broth in which the fish was boiled. [10] Whoever also wants to, takes the scales or a piece of the skin [11] of the fish and cuts it up and puts [12] it into he broth and one shall let that simmer until it is reduced almost [13] to a third or a little less. And when it is [14] boiled lay the fish in dishes as they [15] ought to lie. That is, with their scales on the [16] bottom and with the insides outwards. Then take [17] as many dishes as you want to make and fill them [18] with fish. Then you shall pour the sauce over them and [19] let them cool and so you will set them where they may [20] keep cool.