56. Bipeper oft paveraet tot versschen rintvleessche
"Bipeper" or "paveraet" for beef

[20] Bipeper oft paueraet tot versschen rintvleessche. [21] Neempt cruymen van broode ende wrijft dye wel dan [22] suldyse stooten in eenen morsele al ontwee met eenen [23] doren oft met twee van rouwen eyeren ende minghet [24] dit met magheren sope vanden rint vleesche ende dan [25] doetmen doer eenen stramijn wilt men Ende hier[26]inne doetmen cruyt/ ghymber/ pepere/ ende veel soffe[27]raens/ ende verwent so dat hooghe verwe hebbe Dit [28] moet langhe sieden ghelijck eendere pappen dat wel [29] binde Dit setmen in die stadt van loocke alsmen geen [30] loock eten en wilt Sommighe doender loock inne [31] maer dat en behoort neet.

[20] Bipeper or paveraet for fresh beef. [21] Take breadcrumbs and wring them well then [22] you shall grind them fine in a mortar with a [23] raw egg yolk or two and mix [24] this with thin broth from the beef and then [25] one puts it through a strainer if one wants. And into this [26] one puts spices: ginger, pepper, and much saffron [27], and colour it so that it has a strong colour. One [28] must let this boil a long time like other pap, until it binds [29] well. One serves this in place of garlic [sauce] if one does not [30] wish to eat garlic. Some add garlic to it [31] but that does not belong.