58. Sause te maken tot reygers oft ten capuinen die men metten voeten braet na Paesschen
Sauce to  herons or capons roasted after Easter

[10] Sause te maken tot reygers oft ten capuinen diemen [11] metten voeten braet na paesschen Neempt cruymen [12] van broode ende stootse wel ontwee met luttele wijns [13] ende edicx ende slaghet duer eenen stramijn Dan suld[14]ijt linghen met wine ende edick tsamen ende doeter [15] inne veel sofferaens/ veel caneels/ ende ghimber. maer [16] datse welgheluwe si Ende eest dat ghi wilt doetter lut[17]tel pepers inne ende doetere inne smout vanden rey[18]gher Waer oock die reygher te magher so soude men [19] dyen seluen reygher met anderen smoute dropen ende [20] doen dat smout inde sause ende latense sieden tot [21] datse dick ghenoech es ende oock wel binde

[10] Sauce to make for herons or capons which one [11] roasts after Easter. Take breadcrumbs [12] and mash them up well with a little wine [13] and vinegar and press it through a strainer. Then you shall [14] dilute it with wine and vinegar together and put into it [15] a lot of saffron, much cinnamon and ginger, but [see] [16] that it is a good yellow. And if you wish, put a [17] little pepper in and put in fat from the heron. [18] If the heron was too thin, so one [19] adds to the same heron with other fat and [20] then put that fat in the sauce and let it boil until it is [21] thick enough and binds well.