91. Om een calijsken te maken
To make a calijsken

[D3v] Om een calijsken te maken [2] Wildi noch maken een ander calijsken Soe neemt [3] eenen capuyn ende siet dyen in redelijcker wijs maer [4] niet al moruwe Dan doeten wte ende neemt allet dwyt[5]te vanden capuyne dats den spierinck ende dandere [6] vleesch dat ghi ghecrighen cont. Dyt suldy stooten in [7] eenen mortier Alst met allen cleyne ghestooten es soe [8] doeghet duere eenen stramijn ende temperet metten [9] sope vanden capuyne Dan siedet oft smoret in eenen [10] cleynen pot Alst ghesoden es soe suldijer inne doen wat [11] souts. Maer wacht emmers wel dat nyet versouten [12] en si ende en doet hier gheen veriuys noch edick inne.

[D3v] To make a calijsken. [2] If you want to make another* calijsken so take [3] a capon and boil it in the usual manner but not [4] completely. Then take it out and take all the white [5] from the capon: that is, the breast meat and the other [6] flesh that you can get. This you shall grind in [7] a mortar. When it has all been broken up small so [8] pass it through a sieve and mix it with the [9] broth of the capon. Then boil it or stew it in a [10] small pot. When it is boiled so you shall put therein some [11] salt. But always watch well that it is not over-salted [12] and put neither verjuice nor vinegar in here.