118. Wildi maken caestaerten van morwe case
If you want to make cheese tarts of soft cheese

[23] Wildi maken caestaerten van morwe case. Neemt [24] moruwen case dien suldi wel in stucken wriuen in ee[25]nen morsele Hier suldi in doen eyeren botere ende sa[26]uie ende stooten dit al te samen in den seluen morselle [27] metten case. Dan suldi die taerten daer mede vullen [28] ende latense also stain backen. Ende alsse ghebacken [29] sijn. soe suldy daer inne steken puttekens met uwen [30] vinghere ende boterse wel

[23] If you want to make cheese tarts of soft cheese, take [24] soft cheese, which you will mash well into pieces in a [25] mortar. Into this add eggs, butter and sage [26] and mash them all together in the same mortar [27] with the cheese. Then you shall fill the tarts with it [28] and let them stand thus to bake. And when they are baked [29] so you shall stick little hollows into them with your [30] fingers and butter them well.

Hoeveelheden en tips (2 porties) Quantities and hints (2 servings)