164. Wit bruwet tot capuynen
White brewet for capons

[13] Wit bruwet tot capuynen [14] Neemt capuynen ende sietse wel moruwe in watere [15] Dan suldise ontleden Als si ontleet sijn so fruytse in verc[16]kens smout Dan suldi stooten amandelen. Als die ge[17]stooten sijn soe mingheltse met uwen sope dat vanden [18] capuynen comen es Dan legt hier inne den ontleden [19] capuyn ende settet so opt vier. Hier in suldi doen/ ghim[20]ber/ caneel/ naghelen greyne/ galigaen/ ende lanc peper. [21] Dan laet dit te samen wel prossen. maer doetter eerst [22] in doren van eyeren welgestooten oft wel in stucken [23] gheclopt Dan latet so wel binden

[13] White brewet for capons. [14] Take capons and boil them in water until they are cooked through. [15] Then you shall cut them in pieces. When they are cut in pieces so fry them in pork [16] fat. Then you shall grind almonds. When they [17] are ground so mix them with your broth that has [18] come from the capons. Then lay in this the cut-up [19] capons and set it thus on the fire. Into this you shall put ginger, [20] cinnamon, cloves, grains of paradise, galingale, and long pepper. [21] Then let this simmer well together, but first put [22] therein well-beaten egg yolks. [23] Then let it bind well together.

Hoeveelheden en tips (2 porties) Quantities and hints (2 servings)