41. Om te maken een bruyn peper
To make a brown pepper [sauce]

[6] Om te maken een bruyn peper Neemt broot ende [7] bernt dat wel swert ende neemt eenen ketele met wa[8]tere ende dat ouer tvyer ghehanghen ende eenen goe[9]den deel azijns daer inne soe dat daer na een wroncx[10]ken hebben mach. Als dat broot swert ghebrant [11] es so doeghet vanden ruestere ende worpet inden ke[12]tele dye daer ouer hanct ende latet wel weycken. En[13]de rugghen broot es daer toe beter dan eenich andere [14] Maer witte broot es beter tot sausen Als dyt broot [15] wel gheweyct es ende moruwe so slaghet doer eenen [16] stramijn metten seluen sope wten ketele ofte met lut[17]tele edicx op dat niet duere en can Ende alst duere [18] ghedaen es so salment dunnen ende laten wel sieden [19] soe dat wel bynden mach Dan salmen nemen ghe[20]fruyten aiuyn dye wel ghefruyt es ende moruwe in [21] gheberrent raeptsmout ende doen den in dat pepere. [22] Dan laet den aiuyn metten pepere syeden. men doet[23]ter noch inne smout luttel ende sommighe vele Dan [24] suldi nemen cruyt na dat ghijt goet hebben wilt ende [25] doens daerna veel inne Men plecht te nemen ghim[26]bere/ greyne/ ende cleyncruyt Diet goet hebben wylt [27] die neempt caneel/ noten/ folie Sommighe doendere [28] inne peper Ende dit cruyt salmen met azijne oft met [29] veriuys. ofte met wijne. daer men mede wylt. Dan [30] salment daer inne ghyeten endelatent te ghadere sie[31]den so dat alte samen wel binde. Ende dan pleceht* [32] men daer inne te legghen hamelen hersten ghebraden [B3v] ende gansen oft hasen oft anderen roost. Ende alst ge[2]recht es in scotelen so plechtment te bestroyen met ca[3]neele oft met ghimbere Aldus maectmen goet peper [4] Hier in doetmen oock gheloopen suyckere

[6] To make a brown pepper. Take bread and [7] toast it well until it is black and take a kettle with water [8] and hung over the fire and a good [9] amount of vinegar therein so that it may become a bit curdled [sour]. [10] When the bread is toasted black [11] take it from the grid and throw it into the kettle [12] which is hanging over the fire and let it become soft. And [13] rye bread is better for this than any other, [14] but white bread is better for sauces. When this bread [15] is soft and tender pass it through a [16] strainer with the same broth from the kettle or with a little [17] vinegar if it cannot all go through. And when it has gone through [18] one shall thin it and let it boil [19] so that it may bind together well. Then one shall take fried [20] onion which has been well fried and softened in [21] browned rape oil and put it in the pepper [i.e. the sauce]. [22] Then let the onion boil with the pepper. One puts [23] a little oil into it, and some [people put] a lot. Then [24] you shall take spices according to how good you want it, and [25] put a lot in. One must take ginger [26], grains of paradise, and cloves [cleyn cruyt is usually grains of paradise and well as cloves, but grains of paradise is mentioned separately here]. Those who wish to have it good, [27] they take cinnamon, nutmegs [and] mace. Some add [28] pepper. And one shall [grind] these spices with vinegar or with [29] verjuice, or with wine, whichever one wishes to use. Then [30] one shall pour it in and let it boil together [31] so that everything binds together. And then one must [32] lay in roast wethers' legs [B3v] and geese or hares or other roast [meats]. And when the dish [2] is on plates so one must strew it with cinnamon [3] or with ginger. Thus one makes good pepper. [4] One also puts melted sugar in this.