86. Amandelenmelck
Almond milk

[30] Amandelenmelck. [31] Men sal nemen dye amandelen ende latense weycken in [32] heet water niet langhere dan tot dat dye scellen af gaen [D2v] oft risen Dan salmen die selue amandelen stooten in [2] eenen mortier met enen houtenen stooter Ende alse be[3]ghinnen te breken so salmen daer luttel waters inne [4] doen dat gheen smout en si want dader men geen wa[5]ter inne het soude vet smout werden vanden aman[6]delen ende dus suldise langhe stooten ende als die ge[7]stooten sijn so suldi nemen schoon water dat siedende [8] heet si minghelen die ghestooten amandelen dair me[9]de Dan moet also duer eenen stramijn ghedaen wor[10]den ende men moet wel wt duwen Als dat ghedaen [11] es. soe salment wedere doen inden morsele dat inden [12] stramijn bleef ende niet duer en ghynck. Dat salmen [13] wedere wel stooten ghelijck men te voren dede. maer [14] niet so seere linghen metten water. Dyt salmen doen [15] twee oft drie weruen te minsten. nochtans saelt goet [16] melck sijn Dit salmen dan wel sieden ende doendere [17] inne potsuycker oft meelsuycker Hieraf wordet scoon [18] ende bruyn Dus eest volmaect Dit pleechmen te ge[19]uen inden eersten somighe gheuent na Ende hier in[20]ne pleech men te snijdenne soppen ghelijck datmen in [21] puereye doet ende latet luttel weycken eer ment recht

[30] Almond milk. [31] One shall take the almonds and let them soften in [32] hot water, not longer than until their skins come off [D2v] or swell. Then one shall grind the same almonds in [2] a mortar with a wooden pestle. And when they begin [3] to break up, one shall put a little water in [4] so that there is no oil in there, because if one put no [5] water in there it would become greasy fat from the almonds. [6] And thus you shall grind them a long time. And when they are [7] ground, so you shall take clean water that is boiling [8] hot, and mix the ground almonds with it. [9] Then it must be passed through a cloth sieve [10] and one must press it out well. When that is [11] done, one shall put back in the mortar that which [12] remains in the sieve and did not go through. One shall [13] grind that again, just as one did before, but [14] do not thin it so much with water. One shall do [15] this at least two or three times. Nevertheless it will be [16] good milk. One shall boil this well and put [17] therein potsugar or mealsugar. From this it will become nice [18] and brown. Thus is it completed. One is supposed to [19] serve this in the first [course]; some serve it afterwards. And into this [20] one is supposed to cut sops, like those which one puts in [21] puereye, and let it soften a little before one serves it.