138. Om te maken sause van okernoten dienende tot cappuynen
To make a sauce of walnuts to serve with capons

[11] Om te maken sause van okernoten dienende tot cap[12]puynen. Neemt capuynen ende bereyt die oft neemt [13] vette hoenderen dye doet sieden in eenen pot. Als dye [14] by maten welghesoden sijn soe suldyse met wat vets [15] smoren ende met wat sofferaens Dan doeghet wt ende [16] neempt doren van eyeren die doet doer eenen stramijn [17] oft ten minsten stootse seer wel cleyne ende linget met[18]ten sope. Dan neemt veriuys mit wytten ghestooten [19] ghimbere daer doet inne dye bladerkens vander pe[20]tercelien dit minghelt al wel onder een ende als dit al[21]dus bereet es. Soe legt uwe hoenderen in scotelen en[22]de men mach er die sause op ghieten ofte men dientse [23] oock in sauchieren

[11] To make a sauce of walnuts to serve with capons. [12] Take capons and prepare them or take [13] fat hens; put them to boil in a pot. When they [14] are thoroughly cooked so you shall stew them with some fat [15] and with some saffron. Then take them out and [16] take egg yolks; pass them though a sieve [17] or at least beat them very fine and dilute them with the [18] broth. Then take verjuice with white ground [19] ginger; put therein the leaflets of [20] parsley; mix this all well together and when this is [21] thus ready lay your chickens in dishes and [22] one may pour the sauce over them or one serves it [23] also in saucers.

Hoeveelheden en tips (2 porties) Quantities and hints (2 servings)