171. Noch om te maken goeden finen ypocras
Yet another way to make good fine ypocras

[16] Noch om te maken goeden finen ypocras [17] Neemt vijf pynten rooden wijn ende daer in wasscet [18] tornisol drie onchen ende een halue Duwet dan wel [19] wt met uwen handen Dan neempt van dien wine [20] ende maecten werm ende minget daer inne viere on[21]cen bruyn suyckers wel ende seere tot dat dit suyckere [22] al wel ghebraken es/ Dan minghelet al te samen [23] in dit voerseyde suyckere caneel die fijn enden sterck si [24] vier oncen Witten finen ghimber een onche ende hal[25]ue calani aromantise/ grana paradisi groffels naghe[26]len/ elcx acht greynen Coriander roris marini galange [27] thien greynen Doet doer den sack loopen als vore

[16] Yet another way to make good fine ypocras. [17] Take five pints of red wine and wash in it [18] three and a half ounces of turnsole. Squeeze it well [19] with your hands. Then take of this wine [20] and make it warm and thoroughly mix into it four ounces [21] of brown sugar until the sugar [22] is all well dissolved. Then mix all together [23] in this aforesaid sugar four ounces [24] of cinnamon which is fine and strong. Fine white ginger an ounce and a half, [25] calamus, grains of paradise, cloves [26] each eight grains. Coriander, rosemary, galingale [27] ten grains. Run it through the sack as before.

Hoeveelheden en tips (2 porties) Quantities and hints (2 servings)