175. Om gruenen ghimber te maken
To make green ginger

[G3v] Om gruenen ghimber te maken [2] oft gruenen calmus [3] Men sal nemen groote schoon clauwen van ghim[4]bere die cort es ende scellense Dan salmense doer [5] steken met eenen scerpen pointe van eenen messe. Dan [6] salmense sieden in water tot dat dat watere duerbair [7] lijf gheloopen es Dan salmense wt doin en legghense [8] op een tafele ende perssen dat water wte ende leggense [9] twee daghen tn* honich watere ofte in sirop te weycke [10] (dat es honich met water op ghesoden ende gescuimt) [11] ende deckent/ ende doent dan in een verglaest vat ende [12] settent also wech Ende eest dat den ghimber aldus [13] niet weeck ghenoech en wort so giet daer op reghenwa[14]ter ende setse acht daghen in de sonne Dan salmen ee[15]nen put maken in eenen kelder in die eerde oft in andere [16] vochtighe steden ende doen dan daer inne sout dat voch[17]tich es/ ende doet die clauwen datse deen dandere niet [18] en ghenaken Ende ghietere dan vijf ofte ses weruen [19] des daechs scoon water op tot vyer daghen toe ende tot [20] dat si weeck worden Ende dan gheleyt in honich

[G3v] To make green ginger [2] or green calamus. [3] One shall take large beautiful roots of ginger [4] which is lush, and peel them. Then one shall [5] stick them through with the sharp point of a knife. Then [6] one shall boil them in water until they are thoroughly [7] steeped in that water. Then one shall take them out and lay them [8] on a table and press the water out and lay them [9] nine days in honey water or in syrup to soften [10] (that is, honey boiled with water and skimmed) [11] and cover it and put it in a glazed vat and [12] set it away thus. And if it is that the ginger [13] does not become soft enough so pour rainwater over it [14] and set it eight days in the sun. Then one shall [15] make a well in a cellar in the earth or in another [16] damp place and put into it salt that is [17] damp, and put in the roots so that one does not [18] touch another. And pour clean water on them five or six times [19] a day for four days and [20] until they are soft. And then lay them in honey.

Hoeveelheden en tips (2 porties) Quantities and hints (2 servings)