31. Een sause tot calfvleesch ende tot kiekenen
A sauce to veal or chickens

[10] Een sause tot calfvleesch ende tot kiekenen. [11] Neemt calfvleesch ende kiekenen die doet al met stuc[12]ken Dan soe stouet in eenen pot met swijnen smoute [13] ende met vleesch sope. Dan suldy nemen broet dat [14] gheweyct heeft in vleessop. neempt oock hyer toe dye [15] leueren vanden kiekenen. Dyt doet sieden in eenen [16] pot besondere. Hier toe neempt petercelie mageley[17]ne/ ende andere goet cruyt/ ende doren van eyeren dye [18] hert ghesoden sijn Dan doet dyt al te samen duer [19] eenen stramijn. Dan neempt eenen goeden deel pe[20]tercelye al rou dye stoot ende doetse duere metten sope. [21] Dit sijn die specien dier inne behooren te wetenne ca[22]neele/ ghimber/ greyne/ noten muscaten/ groffels na[23]ghelen/ Dit minghelt alte samen mit veriuys Dan [24] so doeghet alte samen sieden

[10] A sauce for veal and for young chickens. [11] Take veal and chickens, which you cut in pieces. [12] Then stove/stew them in a pot with pork fat [13] and with meat broth. Then you shall take bread that [14] has softened in meat broth. Take also with this the [15] chickens' livers. Put this [mixture] to boil in a [16] special pot. Add to this parsley, marjoram [17] and other good spices/herbs, and yolks of eggs which [18] have been hard-boiled. Then put this all together through [19] a strainer. Then take a good amount of [20] parsley all raw; grind this and pass it through [the strainer] with the broth. [21] These are the spices which belong in this, to wit: cinnamon [22], ginger, grains of paradise, nutmegs, cloves. [23] Mix all this together with verjuice. Then [24] set it to boil it all together.