38. Om te stoven hoenderen metten verckenvleesce
To stew chickens with pork

[19] O te stouen hoenderen metten vercken vleesce. Neemt [20] hoenderen ende verckens vleesch dat syet te gahdere* [21] welende alst aldus ghesoden es soe doeghet te samen [22] wte Dan neempt luttel broot ende stoot dat ende doeget [23] doere eenen stramijn met wat wijns ende met wat e[24]dicx Dan siedet wel Daerna suldi nemen cruyt comijn [25] sofferaen/ luttel edicx oft metten wijne eenich van bey[26]den dat ghi wilt alsolatet sieden. Ende alst by na ghe[27]noech is dan doet daer inne die hoenderen ende tvleesch [28] ende latent sieden of men latet cort stouen so men wilt

[19] To stew chickens with pork. Take [20] chickens and pork; boil it together [21] well until it is boiled thus and so take it out together. [22] Then take a little bread and press it [23] through a strainer with some wine and with some vinegar. [24] Then boil it well. After that you shall take spices: cumin [25] saffron, a little vinegar or wine either of the two [26] that you want to boil thus. And when it is almost [cooked] enough [27] then put the chickens and the meat in [28] and let it boil or one lets it stew a little as one wishes.