77. Om galentijn te maken tot snoecken
To make a galantine of pike

[10] Om galentijn te maken tot snoecken Neemt snoec[11]ken dye bereyt ende snijtse met grooten kertten ende [12] die palinghen suldi haer huyt af stroopen Als dat ge[13]daen es. soe suldijt oock snijden met grooten stucken [14] ende doet den graet wte Dan doeten sieden in eenen [15] pot oft in een panne in wijn. ende dye wyle dat siet soe [16] doeter inne wat edicx Als den palinck rechs op den [17] suede es so legt den snoeck daer inne dye oock ghesne[18]den es met grooten stucken Als den vysch ghesoden [19] es soe neempt dat sop ende doet dat in een erdenen [20] pot ofte in een andere houten vaetken Dan neempt [21] broot ende snijt dat in platten stucken ende dat suldy [22] braden oft hersten alsoe bruyn alst moghelijck es son[23]der berren. dan suldijt te weycke legghen int voersey[24]de sop dat ghi gheghoten hebt vanden seluen vyssche [25] ende doeghet doer eenen stramijn Alst doer gedain es soe [26] neempt caneel/ ghimbere/ greyne/ groffels naghelen [27] ende ghestooten galigaen/ ende alle dese specien moe[28]ten ghebroken sijn. Doet alle dye specyen in dat voer[29]seyde sop Dan syet dat sop met die specien seere lan[30]ghe ende vele alsoe langhe alst moghelijck es Maer [31] huedet emmers wel dat nyet en verberre ende soutet [32] seere wel van passe. Alst ghesoden es soe settet den [D1r] eerdenen pot ofte het houten vaetken te cuelene ende [2] doeghet alst ghesoden es noch eens duere. Dan doet[3]ter suyckere inne Alst aldus bereet es soe neempt den [4] snoeck ende den palinck also hi ghesneden es ende leg[5]ten in galentijn

[10] To make a galantine of pike. Take pike, [11] prepare them and cut them in large slices and [12] you shall skin the [conger] eels. When that is done, [13] so you shall also cut that in large pieces [14] and take the bones out. Then put it to boil in a [15] pot or in a pan in wine, and while it is boiling [16] add some vinegar. When the eel is just coming to the [17] boil, lay therein the pike which has been cut [18] in large pieces. When the fish is boiled [19] so take the broth and put it in an earthen [20] pot or in another wooden vat. Then take [21] bread and cut it in flat pieces and these you will [22] roast/fry or toast as brown as possible without [23] burning, then you shall lay it to soften in the aforesaid [24] broth that you have poured from the same dish [25] and strain it through a cloth. When it has been done so [26] take cinnamon, ginger, grains of paradise, cloves [27] and crushed galingale, and all these spices must [28] be broken up. Put all those spices in the aforesaid broth. Then boil that broth with the spices [a] very long [time], [30] as long as possible. But [31] always be careful that it does not burn and salt it [32] just enough. When it is boiled so set it [in] the [D1r] earthen pot or the wooden vat to cool and [2] when it has boiled [prior to putting it in the earthen pot] pass it once more through the cloth/sieve. Then put [3] sugar therein. And when it is ready, so take the [4] pike and the eel as they are cut and lay [5] them in the galantine.