79. Wildi maken goet moertroel
If you wish to make a good moertroel

[18] Wildi maken goet moertroel so behoefdi te hebben [19] vleesch van eenen faysant ofte pertrijs oft conijn Die [20] dien van een hynde calf Van desen vier dynghen sul[21]di nemen ende doent sieden Dan suldi nemen dat sel[22]ue sop daert in ghesoden heeft ende houden dat Dan [23] neempt tvleesch ende cappet alsoe cleyne alst moghe[24]lijck es om cappen ende doeghet in eenen pot syeden [25] Alst bi na alghesopen* es soe neempt ghebriselt broot [26] om dat int sop te doene daer toe mynghelt wat fynen [27] case. maer briselten alsoe cleyne alst moghelijck es [28] Dit doet nu inden pot ende neempt dese specien te we[29]ten ghimbere die wyt es ende cleyne ghestooten ghe[30]minghelt met veriuys Maer niet veel veriuys ende [31] onderscietet met eyeren dat v moertroel daer mit bin[32]de ende linghe ende alst gesoden is so doeget vanden viere.

[18] If you wish to make a good moertroel so you must have [19] meat from a pheasant or partridge or rabbit. The [20] legs of a doe calf. Of these four things shall you [21] take and boil. Then you shall take the same [22] broth in which it boiled and keep that. Then [23] take the meat and chop it as fine as it is possible to chop and put it in a pot to boil. [25] When it is almost boiled take breadcrumbs [26] to put into the broth; mix some fine cheese into it. [27] But grate/crumble it as small as possible. [28] Now you put this in the pot and take these spices: to wit, [29] ginger that is white and crushed small, [30] mixed with verjuice. But not much verjuice and [31] mix it with eggs so that you bind and extend your moertroel with them [32] and when it has boiled so take it from the fire.