80. Om alle wilt braet te sieden dat versch es
To boil all venison that is fresh

[D1v] Om alle wilt braet te sieden dat versch es ende dat [2] men nat oft metten sope gheuen wilt Neemt wiltbraet [3] ende siedet tot dat by na moruwe ofte ghenoech ghe[4]soden es Dan neemt den pot meten wiltbrade ende doeten [5] af Hiertoe suldi nemen caneel ghimbere luttel pepers [6] ende sofferaens. Die somighe nemen luttel potsuyc[7]kers Voerts neemt noch peper ende wat geherst broot [8] om dat te dicker soude sijn ende wel bynde ende minct [9] dat met wine. Dan doet dit altsamen inden pot metten [10] wiltbrade ende dat wiltbraet suldi stouen metten voer[11]seyden cruyde ende metten vetsten sope dat ghi vanden [12] seluen vleessop blasen sult. Ende linghet oock altoos [13] metten seluen sope op dats behoeft

[D1v] To boil all venison that is fresh and that [2] one wishes to serve wet or with broth. Take venison [3] and boil it until it is almost boiled completely. [4] Then take the pot with the venison and take it off [the fire]. [5] Hereto you shall take cinnamon, ginger, a little pepper [6] and saffron. Some people take a little pot sugar. [7] Before that take more pepper and some toasted bread [8] so that it will be thicker and bind well, and mix [9] that with wine. Then put that altogether in a pot with the venison and you shall stew that venison with the aforesaid [11] spices and with the fattest broth that you will [12] blow off the same meat broth. And dilute it with the same broth if necessary.