97. Capuyn pasteyen
Capon pies

[2] Capuyn pasteyen [3] Neempt die capuynen ende maectse scoone Dan leg[4]se in die pasteyen met versscen verckens smoute Dan [5] doeter inne pruymen van amast ende carente op dat [6] ghi wilt. Ende die specien sullen sijn ghymbere ende [7] cleyn cruyt met sofferaen.

[2] Capon pies. [3] Take the capons and make them clean. Then lay [4] them in the pies with fresh pork fat. Then [5] put therein damsons and currants if [6] you want. And the spices shall be ginger and [7] cleyncruyt [cloves and grains of paradise] with saffron.